Winning Work
Part 2 of 7
Tailored approaches to winning more work with less waste
Given nearly 10% of a consultants turnover and up to 4 % of a contractor’s can be spent on work winning activities, hence why achieving just a few improvements in effectiveness and efficiencies will significantly increase the firm’s profitability.
Our approaches focus on developing bespoke win work processes and checklists which improve work winning behaviours to assist all types of roles and levels of construction industry people. They help those who have are full time in work winning e.g. estimators, planners and design managers or those with an occasional role in work winning such as project managers or site managers but they all still value being prompted in best practice behaviours, covering BD pursuit activities, bid / proposal management, key client management and management reporting. For example, they could be seasoned bid managers but in the same way that a pilot uses a checklist to ensure he arrives safely, our prompts are valued because they will ensure the best win themes are developed, and our checklists ensure client centric proposals are created which correspondingly significantly increase success rates.
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