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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Imperative to Change

Allister Haymen’s recent  article in Building Magazine entitled ‘Core Changes’ is calling for contractors to take urgent action and it prompts me to add that contractors, who are looking to drive business improvement, must also consider initiatives that lead to client centricity and efficiency in the win-work process.

The leadership role must also be about creating and aligning activities into an environment conducive to winning work by:

• Integrating the various disciplines involved in work winning so that they can operate effectively and efficiently as a team
• Introducing robust supporting processes so a consistency of approach is adopted, wasteful activity is eliminated and organisations stop bidding for work they cannot win
• Creating client focus to increase cross selling and the development of client-oriented solutions that often also improve profitability
• Encouraging client-focused behaviours that enable business targets to be achieved

The imperative to transform your business goes beyond systems and processes: it is about you providing the leadership and direction that will enable you to delegate responsibility, but retain control.

If leadership has recognised the need to be more client focused and wish to move forward, then MarketingWorks can help businesses to win more profitable work from new and existing clients.

Specialising in all areas of work winning - Tactical BD Pursuit & Planning, Key Client Management and Bid Management - our core service solutions deliver cultural change where it's needed most, using integrated solutions supported by structured knowledge transfer and skills development, so that you get the maximum return on your investment.

Next Steps:

See a leadership overview of  how we can help revitalise Win Work capability  here

Contact Philip Collard on 01892 534980 or email

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